Tattoo application involves a needle puncturing the epidermis and embedding ink particles into the dermis, the deepest layer of skin. Your immune system is immediately alerted of the puncture wound and foreign ink material and sends cells to remove the foreign substance and heal the wound.

The reason tattoos are permanent is that ink particles are too large compared to the tiny cells trying to remove them. In fact, your immune cells continuously try to remove the ink particles the moment they're inserted into your skin but are only able to scrape away minuscule fragments at a time, which explains why tattoos are permanent but gradually lose color and fade over time. However, thanks to advanced technology, laser tattoo removal now offers a safe and effective solution for unwanted ink that only takes a few minutes to perform.

During treatment, our Astanza Duality laser sends pulses of light energy into the skin to target ink particles trapped in the dermis layer. The laser's pulses are incredibly rapid, lasting mere nanoseconds (billionths of a second), allowing the power in that brief pulse to shatter ink particles without causing any damage to the surrounding skin tissue.

The ink particles absorb the wavelengths of light energy, heat up, and shatter into fragmented nanoparticles. The fragmented particles are small enough for your body's cells to remove and are flushed out through the immune system's natural fading process.

Multiple treatments are needed to break up the varying layers of ink in a tattoo for significant fading and complete removal. Each treatment, our laser targets the shallowest layers of ink first and works its way down to the deepest layers. Professional tattoos with complex materials and ink density typically require more treatments than amateur tattoos with a lower ink density.
Nu Skyn uses various factors to assess and determine the number of treatments your tattoo will need to reach your desired skin goals.

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